혈액암 및 희귀질환 환자들의 건강과 삶의 질 개선을 위한
바이오의약품 연구개발 기업입니다.
페길화 기술 플랫폼과 고난도 합성기술을 기반으로
3세대 장기지속형 모노페길화 인터페론을 개발하여,
골수증식종양 환자들을 위한 임상 연구를 지속하고 있습니다.
혈액암 및 희귀질환 환자들의 건강과 삶의 질 개선을 위한
바이오의약품 연구개발 기업입니다.
페길화 기술 플랫폼과 고난도 합성기술을 기반으로
3세대 장기지속형 모노페길화 인터페론을 개발하여,
골수증식종양 환자들을 위한 임상 연구를 지속하고 있습니다.
Our approach combines rigorous scientific research with innovative thinking. Our team is comprised of leading minds from some of the world’s most respected biopharmaceutical companies. Their pioneering expertise fuels our ability to challenge assumptions about existing treatment modalities, leading to transformative innovations.
파마에센시아코리아는 바이오 의약품 연구 개발 경험과 노하우를 기반으로 설립된 회사로 대만에 본사를 두고 있습니다.
미국, 일본, 중국, 한국, 싱가폴을 비롯한 아시아 지역에 지사를 두고 있으며, 유럽지역은 파트너사인 AOP orphan과 함께 일하고 있습니다.
Besremi® is a registered trademark of PharmaEssentia Corporation.
Meredith Manning joined PharmaEssentia as General Manager for the U.S. in 2020, bringing with her more than 20 years of experience in global commercialization and brand building for biopharmaceuticals and medical devices. She was most recently Chief Commercial Officer at resTORbio™, and previously served as Vice President of Global Product Strategy in Hemophilia for Shire (formerly Baxalta) and Baxter. She previously held a series of marketing leadership roles at Vertex® and Pfizer.
Meredith received a B.S. at Colorado College and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Jack Hwang joined PharmaEssentia in 2006 and has served as General Manager in Taiwan since 2015. With training in organic chemistry, he has held a series of leadership roles at prior companies, including as Senior Director at Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Senior Group Leader at Array BioPharma®, and earlier as a research scientist at Amgen® and Ligand® Pharmaceuticals.
Jack completed his Ph.D. in organic chemistry and post-doctoral fellowship in natural product synthesis at the University of Pennsylvania.
Albert Qin, who joined PharmaEssentia in 2017, brings more than 20 years of experience in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry with an emphasis on clinical development. Recent leadership roles include Chief Medical Officer at China Health Group, Chief Scientific Officer and Corporate Officer at SymBio Pharmaceuticals, and Medical Director at ImmunoGen™. Earlier in his career, he held clinical development and R&D roles at Pfizer, Bayer and Biogen®. At Biogen, he did innovative research and made discoveries related to cytokines, immunology, and gene therapy.
Albert completed his medical degree in the Department of Medicine at Shandong Medical University in China and his Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular pharmacology at Harvard Medical School. He completed a visiting research fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Ching-Leou Teng offers extensive pharmaceutical science and development expertise to the PharmaEssentia team. After joining the company as head of operations in 2003, she became Chairperson in 2009. Prior to PharmaEssentia, Ching-Leou held multiple leadership roles in drug delivery research and pharmaceutical development at Ionis™ (formerly ISIS) Pharmaceuticals, and previously served as a reviewer in the Pharmacokinetics Evaluation Branch of the Division of Biopharmaceutics at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Early in her career, Ching-Leou was a registered pharmacist at hospitals in Taiwan.
Ching-Leou completed her B.S. in pharmacy at Taipei Medical College, followed by an M.S. in pharmaceutical science at North Dakota State University. She completed her Ph.D. and post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan.
Ko-Chung Lin has led PharmaEssentia since 2002, driven by rich and diverse career experiences at leading U.S. pharmaceutical companies. He is recognized for medicinal chemistry advances in pegylation, including the invention of pegylated-interferon, that have led to the development and successful entry of multiple leading therapeutics. Prior to PharmaEssentia, Ko-Chung was head of the Adentri® and pegylated-Avonex® programs at Biogen®. Earlier in his career, he contributed to inventions in HIV in his research roles at Monsanto.
Ko-Chung received B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistry from National Taiwan Normal University, his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri, and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan.